Dr. Walter Yellowlees a founder member of the McCarrison Society for Nutrition and Health died on 26th May 2014 at the age of 97. A much loved and respected doctor, Watty, as he liked his friends to call him, devoted 33 years of his life as a general practitioner in Aberfeldy in the Highlands of Scotland treating, advising and encouraging his patients how to lead a more healthy lifestyle. He was convinced that ‘human health depends above all on sound nutrition and that sound nutrition means growing food and using it in accordance with Nature’s laws.’ He led by example and was a staunch believer in growing his own organic fruit and vegetables. He made his own wholemeal bread and spoke out loudly against refined food such as white bread, white flour products and above all, sugar.
He was a fine example of a man who adhered to his principals. Active to the very end of his life, he simply fell asleep sitting in his chair, true to the adage that one should die of senescence at a great age, not of disease.