Everyone is familiar with the first signs of a cold; sneezing, sore throat and runny nose, symptoms usually caused by a viral infection. Although the common cold is often mild, it can still cause a lot of misery lasting for 1 to 2 weeks and is a main reason for visits to the doctor and missed days from work and school. According to the Guardian newspaper, minor illnesses such as coughs and colds accounted for almost a quarter of working days lost in 2016, at 34 million.
Despite many years of research, no one has yet found a cure for the common cold. Earlier this year UK scientists thought they may have found a drug to combat this complaint but trials will not begin for another two years. It is easy to be lured into the trap of modern medicine which believes in and prescribes a drug for every condition. MAGIC BULLET FOR VIRAL DISEASES? Almost all drugs are toxic and are designed only to treat symptoms and not to cure, but a superior, safe, effective treatment has existed for decades that up until now has been either suppressed or totally ignored. This treatment involves a natural substance which is non toxic and recognised as the finest anti-viral substance there is. I refer, of course, to ascorbic acid or vitamin C. As long ago as 1972 Dr. Irwin Stone, in his book ‘The Healing Factor. Vitamin C against Disease’, wrote ‘Millions of dollars of research money have been spent in unsuccessful attempts to find a non toxic, effective virucide (sic) and all sorts of exotic chemicals have been tried. All the while, harmless, inexpensive and non toxic ascorbic acid has been within easy reach of its investigators. It might prove to be the ‘magic bullet’ for the control of the viral diseases.’ Ascorbic acid is a natural product, a protein, and can be made from honey and other foods found in nature such as cabbage and leaf plants. "It is preventative medicine at its finest, but ‘today's medical "industry" does not want any interference with their income stream and have no incentive to institute preventive programmes". ![]() ERADICATION OF THE COMMON COLD
Dr Stone believes that the common cold could be eradicated through the proper use of ascorbic acid. He explains that it is no good researchers looking for a vaccine, as a common cold involves a large number of different viruses and associated bacteria found in common cold victims. A vaccine is too specific; what is needed is a wide spectrum, non toxic, virucidal, bactericidal agent. Ascorbic acid fills this bill. INABILITY TO STORE ASCORBIC ACID We humans no longer have the ability to manufacture ascorbic acid ourselves, as all other animals can (except apes and guinea pigs) due to a gene mutation causing a lack of an essential enzyme millions of years ago. This has left us in a state of sub-clinical scurvy and thus prone to disease. As the body cannot store ascorbic acid, it has to be ingested every day either through the diet or as a supplement. Under laboratory conditions monkeys are given approximately 4 grams of ascorbic acid a day to keep them healthy, which is similar to the estimated daily amount that would be produced in the human liver if the final essential enzyme were not missing. It is significant that the two species of animal that can catch colds, man and apes, are the very two that cannot make their own ascorbic acid. RECOMMENDED DOSE AT FIRST SYMPTOMS It is estimated that a 70 kilo man should ingest between 1.8 grams and 4.1 grams per day under normal circumstances. Dr. Stone himself ingested 3 to 5 grams of ascorbic acid daily for 10 years and did not have a single cold during that time. As a standard dose he recommended 1.5 grams (half a level teaspoon) of ascorbic acid daily, dissolved in a small glass of water or fruit juice, preferably taken with a meal. At the very first sign of the symptoms of a cold Dr. Stone advised taking a first dose of half a teaspoon of ascorbic acid dissolved in water, then another dose in half an hour and this to be repeated at about half hourly intervals. Usually, by the third dose the virus has been inactivated and no further cold symptoms will appear, but he warns that to be completely successful the procedure must be started at the very first indication of a cold. |
In his book, ‘Vitamin C and the Common Cold’, Linus Pauling refers to an article published in a magazine in 1967 written by a Dr. Douglas Gildersleeve MD, who he suspected was using a pseudonym for professional reasons. In this article Dr.Gildersleeve stated that ‘having worked as a researcher in the field, it is my contention that effective treatment for the common cold, a cure, is available that is being ignored because of the monetary losses that would be inflicted on pharmaceutical manufacturers, professional journals and doctors themselves.’ After some extensive investigations and trials involving the treatment of the common cold with ascorbic acid, Dr Gildersleeve wrote a paper in which he described his observations. He submitted his paper to eleven different professional journals, every one of which rejected it. One editor told him it would be harmful to the journal to publish a useful treatment for the common cold as medical journals depend for their existence on the support of their advertisers, and that over twenty five per cent of the advertisements relate to patented drugs for the alleviation of cold symptoms or for the treatment of complications of colds. ![]() CONSPIRACY AMONG DRUG COMPANIES? Dr Lendon H. Smith writing in ‘The Clinical Experiences of Frederick R. Klenner, M.D.’ points out that it was Dr. Klenner who pioneered the idea of using ascorbic acid to treat disease way back in the 1940’s and 50’s. ‘Now people are asking why the medical community has taken so long to use this cheap, safe, and valuable tool to control infections. Dr. Irwin Stone, Dr. Linus Pauling, and Dr. Robert Cathcart have tried to popularize this method and were only met with poor press and ridicule. Are the drug manufacturers organized into a conspiracy too powerful to overcome? Doctors will believe what is published in their favourite medical journals, but Vitamin C therapy studies are not seen in medical journals because much of the income to the publishers comes from drug manufacturers. Vitamin C use represents a threat to their income; it cannot be patented. Maybe if patients demanded the therapeutic use of Vitamin C from their doctors, the doctors would become familiar with its use and add it to their therapeutic tools’. SHH, DON’T TELL! The Guardian newspaper, October 2017, claims ‘ “winter remedy” sales in the UK reach £300m each year, though most over-the-counter products have not actually been proven to work.’ In the United States several billion dollars are spent on over-the-counter products per year.[ Imagine what a disaster it would be to the pharmaceutical and drug industries if, Heaven forbid, the general public found out that they could actually avoid, treat and cure their colds themselves with regular, daily doses of ascorbic acid! * * * * * * In his book, Dr. Stone describes ascorbic acid’s extraordinary powers in the treatment of disease and cites many impressive results from trials by dedicated researchers and doctors in the past against diseases and conditions such as: asthma, arthritis, severe burns, cancer, colds, diabetes & hypoglycaemia, drugs, eye conditions, bone fractures, heart disease, strokes, kidney and bladder ailments, mental illness, stress syndromes, poisoning, pollution, ulcers, viruses, wounds and shock. He believes: 1. These diseases and conditions are frequently as a result of ascorbic acid deficiency. 2. They could be prevented by taking more ascorbic acid. 3. They could be treated and, in many cases, cured with ascorbic acid. One of the outstanding attributes of ascorbic acid is its lack of toxicity even when given in large doses over a long period of time. It can be administered in mega doses intravenously without registering any serious side effects. Pauling observed ‘It is possible that most people in the world receive only one or two per cent of the amount of ascorbic acid that would keep them in the best of health’. The official recommended daily dose of 60 mg for an adult human is not nearly enough. Reference: http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v13n06.shtml |