Since time immemorial, primitive people have known by instinct the importance of certain food items not only for their very survival, but for the health of future generations, which was why they paid particular attention to the diet of their young girls before marriage. Often they would walk many miles to obtain one specific plant or fish that they sensed contained a nutrient that they needed.
Faced with the two major concerns about young people today, childhood obesity and juvenile crime, a two-pronged approach would greatly alleviate these problems. First, an all-out drive to ban cola drinks in schools, and second, simple testing such as analysing samples of hair or finger nails, for certain vulnerable or disruptive school children, in order to spot and correct vitamin and mineral deficiencies at an early age, before more serious conditions have time to develop.
Faced with the two major concerns about young people today, childhood obesity and juvenile crime, a two-pronged approach would greatly alleviate these problems. First, an all-out drive to ban cola drinks in schools, and second, simple testing such as analysing samples of hair or finger nails, for certain vulnerable or disruptive school children, in order to spot and correct vitamin and mineral deficiencies at an early age, before more serious conditions have time to develop.