Shame of "orthodox" doctors in 20th and 21st centuries
Diabetes type ii

There is no doubt that ill health is big business and there is plenty of evidence to support this statement. For every major illness there are special clinics and treatment centres that employ large numbers of people, both professional and non professional. But what if a cure or method of prevention was found? Would there be universal rejoicing or would there be profound anxiety about the many, many people who would suddenly find themselves without a job?
Take diabetes, (Type II), for example. It has been said that diabetes is the number one shame of the "orthodox" doctors in the 20th and 21st centuries. Dr. Joel Wallach, a veterinarian who went on to qualify as a doctor, claims in his and co-author, Ma Lan’s book, ‘Dead Doctors Don’t Lie’, ‘diabetes is easy to prevent, easy to cure and treat so you can avoid all the terrible side effects (i.e., blindness, hypertension, amputations, early death, etc.) Since 1958, it has been known that supplemental chromium will prevent and treat diabetes as well as hypoglycaemia.’ Never one for pulling his punches, Dr. Wallach went further by saying, ‘Here is the ultimate case of a whole specialty of medicine being wiped out by universal chromium supplementation but kept secret and away from the public for economic reasons!’
Take diabetes, (Type II), for example. It has been said that diabetes is the number one shame of the "orthodox" doctors in the 20th and 21st centuries. Dr. Joel Wallach, a veterinarian who went on to qualify as a doctor, claims in his and co-author, Ma Lan’s book, ‘Dead Doctors Don’t Lie’, ‘diabetes is easy to prevent, easy to cure and treat so you can avoid all the terrible side effects (i.e., blindness, hypertension, amputations, early death, etc.) Since 1958, it has been known that supplemental chromium will prevent and treat diabetes as well as hypoglycaemia.’ Never one for pulling his punches, Dr. Wallach went further by saying, ‘Here is the ultimate case of a whole specialty of medicine being wiped out by universal chromium supplementation but kept secret and away from the public for economic reasons!’
Despite his startling observations, Dr. Wallach, is not alone in his beliefs. More than fifty years ago, in 1959, Dr. Klaus Schwarz, M.D established at the federal offices of the National Institutes of Health that the trace element chromium was essential in human nutrition for its role in blood sugar metabolism. Chromium, was first discovered in 1797 by a French chemist named Louis-Nicolas Vauquelin, (1763-1829), but it was more than 150 years before further research revealed the vital role played by this trace mineral in the human body. GLUCOSE TOLERANCE FACTOR Dr. Walter Mertz (1923-2002), director of the United States Department of Agriculture (U.S.D.A.) field services and said to be one, if not the most important research scientist in the field of trace minerals and vitamins worldwide, published facts associated with chromium and diabetes. As Head of the Department of Biological Chemistry at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (Washington, DC) from 1961 to 1969, Dr. Mertz was the first to show that chromium (III) is not only an essential nutrient for humans but that it increases the action of insulin in glucose uptake. He discovered that chromium played a key role in carbohydrate metabolism, possibly by participating in the formation of a special compound which he named the "glucose tolerance factor," or GTF. This seminal work opened an entire new field of research. Dr. Mertz, then an assistant to Dr. Schwarz, reportedly noted at that time “Type II diabetes is not a disease. It is the lack of a natural ingredient, known as GTF Chromium.” Chromium works together with insulin in providing sugar to the cells for energy. It helps insulin to work better by forming a ‘bridge’ to cell membranes. BODY STORES OF CHROMIUM DEPLETED More than 30 years ago, Dr. Henry Alfred Schroeder, M.D., Ph.D., graduate of Columbia and Yale, professor at Dartmouth medical school and author of ‘Trace Minerals and Man’, deplored “the typical American diet, with about 60 per cent of its calories from refined sugar, refined flour, and fat … was apparently designed not only to provide as little chromium as feasible, but to cause depletion of body stores of chromium.” Dr. Schroeder compared tissue levels of chromium in American teenagers and those of 40 years of age to those of three other cultures that did not eat Westernized food, in communities in Middle East Asia, South East Asia, and in Africa. He discovered very little change in the non-American cultures but dramatic decreases in Americans. Almost 25 per cent of Americans had no detectable levels of chromium at all by the age of 40! PRIMARY CAUSE OF HEART DISEASE Since then the situation has become even worse. Dr. Schroeder also identified chromium deficiency as the primary cause of heart disease. He concluded that diabetics were far more likely to have heart problems as both conditions were a manifestation of severe chromium deficiency. Vision loss is another hallmark of chromium deficiency and that is why there is much more vision loss with diabetics than with non-diabetics. Cancer is yet another condition in which chromium is of profound importance. ESSENTIAL COMPONENT LACKING According to Christopher Barr, Health Nutritionist, medical terms such as “insulin resistance” and “insulin sensitivity” should be replaced by “gross chromium deficiency”. It is not that insulin is “resistant” or lacks “sensitivity,” but rather that insulin is lacking an essential component for sugar metabolism and that is chromium. For the diabetic, chromium supplementation is essential. Dr. Wallach advocated the inclusion of vanadium as well as chromium in the treatment of the disease in the initial stages to prevent ‘insulin shock’. SUPPLEMENTS MUST BE NATURAL Dr. Schroeder noted that chromium supplements that are grown rather than concocted by man in his laboratories to be “100 times more active”. (An example would be yeast grown in chromium rich soil.) He expressed great hope for sufferers of atherosclerosis and diabetes when these grown source chromium supplements would became available, but unfortunately, it was not until after his death that this happened. Tragically, they have been virtually ignored ever since. It is claimed that if every adult took 100 per cent whole food GTF chromium, ate reasonably healthily and took modest, regular physical activity, it would virtually wipe out (Type 11) diabetes. This deficiency of chromium is a serious one of very long standing. Today, the average chromium intake is said to be less than 60 micrograms daily whereas the National Academy of Sciences established ‘an estimated safe and adequate daily dietary intake range of chromium for adults and adolescents at 50 to 200 mcg.’ HOSPITAL EXPERIENCE The following report came from the Office of Dietary Supplements Institutes of Health. Three hospitalized patients who were fed intravenously showed signs of diabetes (including weight loss, neuropathy, and impaired glucose tolerance) until chromium was added to their feeding solution. The chromium, added at doses of 150 to 250 mcg/day for up to two weeks, corrected their diabetes symptoms. Chromium is now routinely added to intravenous solutions. |
Natural sources of chromium are whole wheat and raw sugar from sugar cane, both of which are rich in chromium. However, the refining of whole wheat into bleached, white flour removes 91 per cent of the chromium and the refining of raw sugar into white sugar removes 98 per cent of the chromium. Other concentrated food sources of chromium include onions, tomatoes, oysters, whole grains, bran cereals, and potatoes, with the best food source being brewer’s yeast. PROCESSED FOOD TO BLAME Many people do not get enough chromium in their diet due to the food processing methods that remove the naturally occurring chromium in commonly consumed foods. The refined flour and refined sugar are quickly reduced in the body into simple sugars that require chromium if they are to be efficiently metabolized. Every time a person consumes a refined white flour or refined white sugar product their body loses chromium. It is said that 300 percent more chromium is lost in the urine than when complex carbohydrates are consumed. Small wonder that the average age of adult onset (Type II) diabetes is continually decreasing. A hundred years ago diabetes was a disease primarily of old age. Now the average age is between 40 and 45. Worse, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of children developing adult onset diabetes in recent years. In the September 12th 2012 edition of the Daily Telegraph, a headline stated that children as young as seven are being diagnosed with Type II diabetes, because of increasingly unhealthy lifestyles. EFFECT OF ZINC ON INSULIN Whilst chromium deficiency is considered here as a prime cause of diabetes, zinc also plays a very important part. In his book Soil, Grass and Cancer, published in 1956, André Voisin, the distinguished French veterinarian said, “zinc and insulin, with or without proteins, form an insoluble complex. Under the influence of glucose (or one of the intermediate products in its metabolism) this combination is split, the insulin rendered soluble and subsequently discharged into the blood circuit. All zinc metabolism disorders interfere with the functioning of insulin. Zinc is therefore the basic element of the automatic device which retains or liberates insulin, thus regulating the sugar content of the blood. Naturally, this mechanism is thrown out of gear by any substance that upsets the metabolism of zinc.’ Insulin is produced by the Islets of Langerhans in which zinc is found in large amounts. Voisin argued, that if the insulin-producing B cells of the islets suffered only this breakdown and were not irreversibly damaged, then perhaps they could be incited to begin again their insulin production. This would, he said, “liberate millions of diabetics from the servitude and dangers of daily insulin injections.” SOIL DEPLETED OF TRACE ELEMENTS The message about the dangers of refined or processed food is having to be repeated over and over again. To make matters worse, agricultural soils have been shown to be sadly lacking in minerals and essential trace elements, thus aggravating the problem. Dr. Maynard Murray in his book ‘Sea Energy Agriculture’, warned ‘Nature, while temporarily outsmarted by the farmer into growing plants on incomplete soil, has not been outdone. In return we have received …increased incidence of disease in our crops, a soil badly depleted of trace elements, and animals (and humans) lacking vital elements essential to their health. This is the promise that the Law of Soil Exhaustion holds in store.’ The addition of volcanic dust to agricultural land would go some way to rectifying the problem as would the use of seaweed as a soil conditioner; a practice that was carried out for hundreds of years along the Scottish coasts and in the Channel Islands. ALARMING NEWSPAPER HEADLINES A headline in the Guardian Newspaper on April 25th 2012 stated: ‘Diabetes will consume £16.9bn of the NHS's budget and threaten to "bankrupt" the service within a generation because so many people are being diagnosed with the disease, according to research.’ Dr.Joseph Mercola, who has his own website comments, ‘I think it’s fairly safe to say that pharmaceutical companies are in business these days to make money – not to actually cure disease…… There are numerous examples of well-educated, innovative doctors and scientists who have created alternative medical treatments that far supersede conventional drug treatments, and yet they are more frequently than not shunned, persecuted, or even prosecuted for their efforts’. Orthodox methods of preventing and treating diabetes are clearly not working. Isn’t it time that a more logical approach such as chromium as well as zinc supplementation was put into practice? References:
Dead Doctors Don’t Lie. Drs.Joel Wallach & Ma Lan GTF could wipe out diabetes. National Institutes of Health Soil,Grass & Cancer André Voisin Sea Energy Agriculture Dr.Maynard Murray Dr.Joseph Mercola |