Ask anyone in the medical or scientific profession about vaccination and they will tell you that it was one of the most important health advances of the twentieth century. They will point out that it was thanks to vaccination that smallpox was eradicated and no major epidemics of the killer infectious diseases of the past have occurred in recent years. However, a more detailed look into the subject will show a very different story.
Dr. Suzanne Humphries MD and Roman Bystrianyk, in their recently published book “Dissolving Illusions. Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History” reveal the truth about vaccination programmes. Graphs tracking in detail the decline over the years of diseases such as diphtheria, whooping cough and measles prove, without doubt, that they were already beginning to lose their ability to kill before mass vaccinations were introduced. The authors describe how, as a result of better living conditions, proper drainage systems, better food and access to clean water, together with improved methods of dealing with those infected such as immediate isolation and quarantine for those in contact with them, the epidemics of the past began to decline. At the same time, in some cases, the bacteria carrying the disease gradually became less virulent. Scarlet fever, for example, was a significant killer in the 1800's and the mortality rate surpassed most of the other infectious diseases that were rife at that time. The authors reveal "Nothing was eradicated. Something altered the susceptibility of humans to scarlet fever bacterial toxin. Even today, the organism innocently colonizes 15-20 per cent of school children and remains ever present." This happened long before antibiotics were available to treat the disease. WHY CONTINUE TO VACCINATE? Dr. Humphries points out “The threat of death from all infectious diseases had faded to insignificance by the mid-1900's. By the time a vaccine arrived on the scene for whooping cough, the death rate had declined by more than 99%”. It was the same for measles. “ Even in the absence of a vaccine, by 1960, notification of childhood measles in England and Wales was only 2.4% and mortality fell to 0.030%.” See recent official statistics for measles. PROFIT FOR BIG PHARMA Despite the facts, governments, health professionals and doctors refuse to acknowledge that this threat is no longer there. They were and still are, afraid to fly in the face of what is being taught in medical schools for fear of being charged with serious professional misconduct. So much are they in denial that it will probably take decades to convince health authorities that most vaccinations against childhood infectious diseases are no longer necessary. The pharmaceutical industry, of course, does not want anything to change. Programmed vaccination is a huge money-spinner. Children are routinely vaccinated against diseases that have become relatively rare. Parents who follow the UK's vaccination schedule are exposing their children to 25 vaccines by the age of 15 months. Dr. Joseph Mercola reveals in his newsletter of 29th March 2015 that countries with the heaviest vaccine schedules have higher autism rates compared to countries that do not vaccinate children with as many vaccines, added to which aluminium adjuvants in vaccines can carry serious health risks that have not been thoroughly evaluated. Cases of severe reaction to some vaccinations are well recorded, so why continue to risk damaging the very young people we want to protect? DOCTORS WITH COURAGE Fortunately, there are a few doctors who have had the courage to speak out. In 1981, Professor Gordon Stewart, Emeritus Professor of Public Health, stated “I cannot see how it is justifiable to promote mass vaccination of children everywhere against diseases which are generally mild, which confer lasting immunity and which most children escape or overcome easily without being vaccinated.” Referring to whooping cough he said... “As I view the problem, the marginal advantages of the vaccine in children over one year of age have to be offset against adverse effects of the vaccine itself, which are very common indeed and may be followed occasionally by irreversible brain damage, paralysis and mental deficiency.” |
The belief that vaccines and other medical advances were responsible for the astonishing decline of these diseases is flawed. There should be more emphasis on hygiene, nutrition and appropriate vitamin supplementation, immune system support and natural remedies rather than on costly antibiotics, vaccinations and other medical procedures. Historical evidence shows the remarkable powers of simple remedies such as high doses of vitamin C, garlic, cinnamon and echinacea for prevention and treatment of childhood diseases. POLIOMYELITIS Poliomyelitis is a disease that presents a much more complicated scenario. Dr. Humphries explains that natural (wild) polio-virus was probably a common inhabitant of the bowel for thousands of years but never caused paralysis until something changed. This posed the big question as to what opportunities could have arisen for the polio virus to begin to cause epidemics in the early 20th century? The paradox was that the paralytic poliomyelitis seemed to affect people in countries where the standard of living had greatly improved along with better hygiene and sanitation while less developed countries remained immune. It was observed that there was a significant rate of paralytic poliomyelitis among American servicemen when serving in foreign countries but not in the native population. What was not immediately apparent was the difference in the mode of living of these more civilised communities in comparison with the local people. WHITE MAN'S DIET PROMOTES DISEASE The authors pointed out that the white man's diet of refined and processed food lacking in vitamins along with poisonous sprays used in agriculture, not to mention invasive medical procedures, all contributed to the rise in susceptibility of the so called 'civilized' societies. "Refined sugar, white flour, alcohol,tobacco, tonsillectomies, vaccines, antibiotics, DDT and arsenic had become financial golden calves that led humanity blindly down a spiral of disease and misery". The result was that "many thousands of people were needlessly paralysed because the medical system refused to look at the consequences of these golden calves....and concentrated solely on vaccine research". VIRUSES CAN LIVE IN PESTICIDE-TREATED CELLS In the 1960's it was found that polio virus could live quite happily in pesticide-treated cells, moreover, pesticides led to increased susceptibility of viral invasion. DDT was found to enhance the release and intracellular multiplication of polio virus. As DDT was phased out in the USA and Canada so polio began to disappear. However, according to Dr. Don Huber, an expert in an area of science that relates to the toxicity of genetically engineered (GE) foods, glyphosate—the active ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup herbicide—is actually far worse than DDT! MORE VACCINES NOT THE ANSWER In 2010 the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation pledged 10 billion dollars over the next decade to research new vaccines and bring them to the world's poorest countries. Gates is reported as saying, "We must make this the decade of vaccines," but Dr. Humphries suggests that the money would be better spent on sustainable farming, nutrition and sanitation. Providing access to clean water would have a more positive and longer lasting impact on saving the lives of children in developing countries. Click here for the NHS recommended list of vaccinations as at 2018 . |
DISSOLVING ILLUSIONS - Diseases, Vaccines and the Forgotten History by Dr, Suzanne Humphries M.D. & Roman Bystrianyk
ISBN-: 9781480216891
ISBN-: 9781480216891